If you only grow one thing for your garden pollinators choose Viper’s bugloss. It’s easy to grow from seed, it’s hardy and it’s a native of the UK, plus it replenishes its nectaries regularly making it a magnet for garden pollinators.
Bee Walks and Talks
Come and join me for a bee walk in a summer garden, or why not book me for your garden event?
Bee balm
For a great garden plant for bees, choose bee balm. It’s a magnet for pollinators and offers copious amounts of nectar.
Use the latest research to grow the very best plants to support our precious pollinators. Ongoing research at the University of Bristol has shown that one echinops flower has as much nectar as 32 cosmos flowers
Many herbs, like borage are fantastic plants for pollinators. The flowers are generously rich in nectar. It’s easy to grow from seed and a great bee plant.
How to rescue a bumblebee
You can help rescue a tired or bedraggled bee very easily. Either place it onto a nectar rich flower or administer bee rescue.
Emerging Queens
The first bumblebees we see in late winter and early spring are the overwintered Queen bees setting up a nest
Snowdrops are the harbingers of spring. As they start to poke their noses through the cold winter ground in November […]
Male Bumblebees
Male bees are the lager louts of bee worldd, hanging around in nectar bars waiting for the girls
Shrill Carder Bee
There are a fair few rare bee species, with some literally on the brink of extinction, but few more so than the Shrill Carder Bee (Bombus sylvarum).