The winter flowers of oriental borage (Trachystemon orientalis) are a rich nectar source for early emerging queen bees such as this White Tailed bumblebee (Bombus lucorum agg) Image: Martin Mulchinock Herbs are a wonderful plant choice for bees. This thyme is perfect for short tongued bumblebees like the buff tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) Image: Jean Vernon Purple top (verbena bonariensis) blooms all summer and offers clusters of small, nectar rich flowers One of the best bee plants is the native viper’s bugloss Image: Jean Vernon Pollen isn’t always yellow. Look close at the pollen baskets on this honeybee collecting from a verbascum Image: Jean Vernon Short tongued like the buff tailed bumblebee bees (Bombus terrestris) are known to steal nectar by chewing holes in the flowers above the nectaries Image: Jean Vernon As the female leaf cutter bee climbs into the sweetpea flower, the sticky stigma swipes over her back and picks up loose pollen Image: Jean Vernon Bees are known to self-medicate by feeding on medicinal herbs Image: Martin Mulchinock An early bumblebee Bombus pratorum) male feeds next to a male Forest Cuckoo bee Bombus sylvestris) Image: Jean Vernon Don’t get too close to bees. A leg in the air is not a hello Image: Jean Vernon A female leaf cutter bee lays her eggs in tube-like cavities sealing each cell with leaf segments Image: Martin Mulchinock