RHS Wisley Workshops 2024



I am delighted to announce that I am taking two workshops at RHS Wisley Gardens on May 23rd 2024.

An Introduction to Garden Bees is a journey into the secret world of some of our bumblebees and solitary bees.

Join Jean Vernon on a bee safari at RHS Wisley 2024. Image: Debi Holland Gardening

It starts with an illustrated talk revealing some of the quirky characters of bee world. We look at a few of the charismatic solitary bees and their fascinating life cycles, as well as our humble bumblebees. There’s plenty of insights on how to make some real power moves for pollinators, including some of the very best plants to support them through their lives.

We chat about solitary bee houses and bumblebee nesting sites and how small changes in our gardens can make a big difference.

Then we venture outside into the wonderful gardens at RHS Wisley and take a bee safari around HillTop, catching a few bees to look at close-up, checking out some nesting sites and looking at some of the plants in flower that are magnets for our pollinator friends.

Jean Vernon Bee Safari Image:c. John Lawrence

There’s plenty of hot drinks and biscuits if you are lucky and lots of time for questions throughout the session.

Plus I’ll be bringing my bee and pollinator nature table to show you some real bees, some nesting cocoons and much much more.

Tickets are available to RHS members and non members. Why not make a day of it and spend the rest of the day in these amazing gardens. It’s Wisteria time and the gardens looks quite magical.